SDK Mediation

SDK Mediation

LoopMe supports several ways to use the LoopMe ad SDK via 3rd party mediation plug-ins. This page provides direct links to download mediation files, as well as the integration instructions.

Mopub Mediation Mopub


mediation files (opens in a new tab)

How to integrate (opens in a new tab)


mediation files (opens in a new tab)

How to integrate (opens in a new tab)

AdMob mediation AdMob


mediation files (opens in a new tab)

How to integrate (opens in a new tab)


mediation files (opens in a new tab)

How to integrate (opens in a new tab)

Fyber Mediation Fyber

iOS mediation instructions (opens in a new tab)

Android mediation instructions (opens in a new tab)

Unity3D Plugin iOS/Android Unity

Latest version: Unity3D Plugin (opens in a new tab)

Instructions: How to integrate (opens in a new tab)

Adobe Air Extension iOS/Android Adobe

Latest version: LoopMe Adobe Air extension (opens in a new tab) Instruction: How to integrate (opens in a new tab)

Corona Plug-In iOS/Android Corona

Latest version: LoopMe Corona plug-in (opens in a new tab)

Instructions: How to integrate (opens in a new tab)

AdMost Mediation Router Admost

Available for both iOS and Android platforms. Downloads (opens in a new tab)

Instructions: How to integrate (opens in a new tab)

Enhance Mediation Enh

Available for both iOS and Android platforms. Downloads (opens in a new tab)

Instructions: How to integrate (opens in a new tab)